We are an international group of artist-scientists studying and researching neuroscience in Berlin. A community, with varied perspectives on the intersections between art and neuroscience.
Scientists often see the technical landscape of their experiments and clinical work through abstract visualizations and blends of other sensory experiences. EDGE urges neuroscientists, artists, and the public to humanize the scientist and to explore the border or lack thereof between the fields.
The multi-media exhibitions at the heart of what EDGE is, show art of various artists addressing topics around the brain, from and of neuroscience labs, their members, their motivations, and the research findings, to bridge the divide between the lab bench and the outside world.
Each exhibit presents a personal relationship or unique perspective on neuroscience, exploring inspirations from and motivations for study of the brain. These range from experiences of mental disorders, empathy with patients of epilepsy, acquiring a biological perspective on humans and their personalities, to fascination over the intricate structures and arrangements of neurons and the mathematical relationships of their interactions.
We hope that through art, we can connect to a wider community, educate and share with creativity, humanise the scientific and research process, and engage with the public through art. In the future we hope to widen our collaborations to those other stakeholders in neuroscientific process, after all—we all have a brain!
But most of all we hope you enjoy!
Lots of love, your EDGE organizers,
Tatiana Lupashina, Amelia Young, Corinna Kühnapfel, Philip DePoala, Enya Weidner, Dimitra Mazaraki, Shahryar Khorasani
EDGE in media:
- Charité CNS NeuroScience Magazine, March 2020, Volume 13, Issue 1 “Science Communication”
- Comes To Mind Blog, “At the EDGE of Neuroscience and Art”, March 28, 2020
- Art Next Door’s Tuçe Erel podcast interview of EDGE founders
- SEISMA magazine feature article about part I of EDGE’s exhibition
- Technology Networks feature article about part I of EDGE’s exhibition
- DrawBioMed’s Youtube interview of EDGE founders
- Data Week at the ICN Charité – presentation during on “ Creative Uses of Neuroscience Data”
- MIND Foundation’s blog post about EDGE’s contribution to the symposium on Bewusstseinskultur (culture of consciousness)
- BJKS Podcast Episode “EDGE, art & neuroscience, and empirical aesthetics”
- Conference presentations including at Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2021
We would like to thank our supporting institutes for their generous sponsorship:
- Einstein Centre for Neurosciences
- Bernstein Centre for Computational Neuroscience Berlin
- MIND Foundation
- International Graduate Program Medical Neuroscience
- FENS/DANA Brain Awareness Week 2021