Whether incidental or decisive, art in neuroscience is a tool for educating and inspiring, communicating and sharing, for artists and neuroscientists alike. Our second multimedia exhibition opening at the end of July will be a celebration of creativity in science of the brain.
We hope that in this creative space, the conceptual borders separating these fields are challenged. Through art, neuroscience can connect to a wider community, educate and share with creativity, humanise the scientific and research process, and engage with the public. But also, we hope to show how neuroscience and research are inherently beautiful in their intellectual exploration, their questions and answers.
We welcome you to our “Art & Neuroscience Multimedia Exhibition 2019”:
featuring art by
Mateusz Cyryl
Klemens Sitzmann
Virgilio Vogels
Joana Seabra
Sara Simula
Taylor Smith & co
Timothy Andrew
Theresa Gast
Andrey Kharitonov
Aine Kavanagh
Drew Cooper
Christian Ebner
Ben Mergelsberg
We thank kindly our sponsors Einstein Center for Neurosciences, MDC, BCCN, and SPARK-Berlin for their continuing support.

Photo impression by Nailya Bikmurzina from day one and two (July, 25 & 26) at Charité CrossOver (CCO), Virchowweg 6 in Berlin:

More photos by Nailya Bikmurzina from day three and four (July, 27 & 28) at Heizkraftwerk Steglitz, Birkbuschstraße 41, Berlin Steglitz: