2020 Virtual Exhibition

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After the spread of COVID in Berlin, we postponed our second 2020 exhibition we planned to held at a former mint in the center of Berlin from October 9 – November 01, 2020. Thanks to today’s technology we were able to provide you a virtual experience, inspired by the industrial look of the actual location of our exhibition until we can all meet and enjoy art in person again!

You will be able to experience 17 pieces on the intersection of art and neuroscience in sic different rooms free for your exploration. The flow of the exhibition rooms leads you through the stages of a scientific paper inviting you to consider the scientific perspective as well as the artistic one. Each artwork is broadly conceptualised into the stages of reflecting upon experimentation: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Clicking onto the videos will make them available for play. Enjoy!

Featured artworks by: Keren Shalev, A.Braga, M.Jamshidi, T.Stephani, G.Zarubin, Sophie Mars, Shahryar Khorasani, Bahar Gözmener, Axel Cuevas Santamaría, Linda Alterwitz, Wiebke Nörenberg, Kiara Freitag, Zarko Aleksic, Virgilio Vogels, Geinene Carson, Matt Carson, Geoff Logan, Ashley Middleton, Noor & Razan, Flaminia Celata, Andrey Kharitonov, Yaron Maiim, Tina Ghelani, Karl Pannek, Josef Lilljegren, and more to follow!

If you enjoyed this virtual exhibition and would like to help us and the artists setting it up next year, we set up this moneypool.

Special thanks to…

Nailya Bikmurzina (https://www.nailyabikmurzina.com/, https://www.instagram.com/nell0k/, #nell0kphotography) and

Is a open participative white room in the Heart of Neukölln, Berlin.
The physical space is looking forward to be frequently filled with a maximum of entropie.
The mental space is there to dissolve borders, exploring the void to find the underlying bodies and structures.
MOJO STUDIOS is constantly exploring and inspired by all fields of arts and therefore welcomes every being which want to contribute to that, taking action within the Studio, exhibiting and hosting art venues and shows or simply just playing with ideas!

….for their huge help in putting this exhibition to life!

Supported by: MIND Foundation, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Einstein Center Neurosciences, International Graduate Program of Medical Neurosciences.