“At the EDGE of Neuroscience and Art” Charité NeuroScience (CNS) Newsletter Feature

The Charité NeuroScience (CNS) Newsletter featured us in their march 2020 edition on science communication. Scroll down to page four to the interview by Alex Masurovsky with one of our members Ian to find more how we got started, our visions and much more!
The CNS Newsletter is created by and published every three months for the Neuroscience community in Berlin by current and former MedNeuro students. Each issue includes a series of articles focused on a theme – a topic related to neuroscience or academia in general – and a number of timely, non-theme articles. Past issues – covering topics such as mental health, big data, gender, neuroenhancement – can be found here.

Also have a look at Alex Masurovsky’s Berlin-based blog “Comes to Mind“, which is “dedicated to writing about humanity’s tireless efforts to understand the world both inside and outside of our heads”.

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