What is Sensoriality?

Sensoriality represents an innovative initiative that bridges the realms of art and neuroscience, fostering a profound connection between individuals and their physical bodies through the exploration of the senses. The program consists of various sessions where participants engage in building a cognitive and psychological rapport with their physiologies. This involves neuroscientific talks, contributions from guest artists, and immersive, collective artistic-embodied practices designed to target different perceptual systems.

In its initial two editions, Sensoriality took the form of a 6-part workshops series, in cooperation with MIND Foundation in 2022, and Eye Square in 2023, culminating in a final celebration named The Ágape. Looking ahead to its third and fourth editions in 2024 and 2025, Sensoriality is set to evolve into a hybrid format, seamlessly integrating scientific lectures and discussion with an arts festival.

Sensoriality will keep the essence of community celebration with a Finissage/The Ágape. The Ágape is a collective celebration in which art works done by participants of the festival will be exhibited, and the new initiative of EDGE, the EEG-Arts Circle, will showcase the talents of the community working with brain computer interfaces. 

To celebrate the complexity of nature, the upcoming editions will incorporate panel discussions on themes like synaesthesia, complexity, and diversity in human embodiments. Examining human perceptual systems through the perspectives of cultural and gender diversity, as well as investigating non-human perceptual systems in nature and their impact on arts and technology. In this manner, Sensoriality provides a platform for various disciplines and artistic expressions, fostering inclusivity and exploration.


Come back another time!


The ÁGAPE — Vorspiel 2024

SENSORIALITY II: The ÁGAPEArt and Neuroscience Through Our Senses Get your ticket here WHY ÁGAPE? Ágape is a Greek word that denotes a selfless and unconditional love, characterized by benevolence and concern for the well-being of others, transcending personal gain or self-interest. As the finissage of the Sensoriality workshop series, the…

Join Us for Sensoriality Session 4: Proprioception

How do you navigate your body in space? Explore your proprioceptive senses, led by expert instructors in neuroscience and art! Date: Friday, November 17th 2023 Time: 18:30-21:30 Location: Kunsthalle, Entrance B, 2nd Floor, Eye Square, Berlin Maximum Number of Participants: 25 Description: Have you ever thought about the way you instinctively maintain your balance, reach…

Sensoriality 2023 Session 3: Somatosensory & Cutaneous Perception

Discover the fascinating science behind our sense of somatosensory, and explore how it can be used for creative expression and artistic practice. Date: Friday, October 20th 2023 Time: 18:30-21:30 Location: Kunsthalle Eye Square, Berlin Maximum Number of Participants: 25 Description Somatosensory perception is the ability of the body to sense and perceive different types of…

Sensoriality 2023 Session 2: Auditory Perception

Unlock the Secrets of Auditory Perception in our Upcoming Session of Sensoriality: Art and Neuroscience through our Senses! Date: Friday, September 22nd 2023 Time: 18:30-21:30 Location: Kunsthalle Eye Square, Berlin Maximum Number of Participants: 25 Description Are you ready to delve into the mesmerizing world of sound and its profound impact…

Let’s Meet the Experts! Interviews on the Neuroscience and Art of Smell and Taste

Sensoriality Workshop – Olfaction and Gustation – 25th August 2023 6- 9 pm 📍eye square GmbH Schlesische Straße 29/30 D 10997 Berlin Let’s introduce our guest artist – Erin Adams Olfactory art is fairly unusual, how did you first get involved in scent design? My interest in olfactory art began…

Join us for Sensoriality Session 1: Olfactory + Gustatory Perception

Unleash Your Senses: Dive into the World of Olfactory and Gustatory Perception in Our Upcoming Workshop! Do you find yourself captivated by the intricate science of scents and tastes, and how they influence art? If so, we have an exciting adventure in store for you! Join us for a one-of-a-kind…

Open Call for Workshop Speakers: Artists and Scientists

We are excited to announce an open call inviting artists and neuroscientists to participate as speakers/hosts in our upcoming series of workshops Sensoriality: Art and Neuroscience through our Senses. Together we will delve into the fascinating realm of sensory systems and their intersection with artistic creation and expression. We seek…

Sensoriality 2022

a 5-Part Workshop Series About the Series: Aiming to bridge the artistic community, the neuroscientists, and the general public, EDGE e.V. in collaboration with the MIND Foundation proposed a series of workshops titled Sensoriality: an Immersive Approach to Art and Neuroscience through our Senses. In this series, artists and neuroscientists…


SENSORIALITY: The AGAPÈAn immersive approach to neuroscience and art through our senses In collaboration with:The EDGE Neuroscience & Art e.V./ MIND Foundation Art Section and art through our senses Get your ticket here We are thrilled to announce that on April 30th from 18h until after midnight we will host…

SENSORIALITY: The AGAPÈ An immersive approach to neuroscience and art through our senses

SENSORIALITY: The AGAPÈAn immersive approach to neuroscience and art through our sensesIn collaboration with:The EDGE Neuroscience & Art e.V./ MIND Foundation Art Section Get your ticket here We are thrilled to announce that on April 30th from 18h until after midnight we will host the celebration of the end of…


a 6-Part Workshop Series About the Series:Aiming to bridge the artistic community, the neuroscientists, and the general public, EDGE e.V. in collaboration with the MIND Foundation proposes a series of workshops titled Sensoriality: an Immersive Approach to Art and Neuroscience through our Senses. In this series, artists and neuroscientists make…