What is Sensoriality?
Sensoriality represents an innovative initiative that bridges the realms of art and neuroscience, fostering a profound connection between individuals and their physical bodies through the exploration of the senses. The program consists of various sessions where participants engage in building a cognitive and psychological rapport with their physiologies. This involves neuroscientific talks, contributions from guest artists, and immersive, collective artistic-embodied practices designed to target different perceptual systems.
In its initial two editions, Sensoriality took the form of a 6-part workshops series, in cooperation with MIND Foundation in 2022, and Eye Square in 2023, culminating in a final celebration named The Ágape. Looking ahead to its third and fourth editions in 2024 and 2025, Sensoriality is set to evolve into a hybrid format, seamlessly integrating scientific lectures and discussion with an arts festival.

Sensoriality will keep the essence of community celebration with a Finissage/The Ágape. The Ágape is a collective celebration in which art works done by participants of the festival will be exhibited, and the new initiative of EDGE, the EEG-Arts Circle, will showcase the talents of the community working with brain computer interfaces.

To celebrate the complexity of nature, the upcoming editions will incorporate panel discussions on themes like synaesthesia, complexity, and diversity in human embodiments. Examining human perceptual systems through the perspectives of cultural and gender diversity, as well as investigating non-human perceptual systems in nature and their impact on arts and technology. In this manner, Sensoriality provides a platform for various disciplines and artistic expressions, fostering inclusivity and exploration.

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